Ten Perfections
These are the Ten Perfections by the Theravāda Buddhism.
Even if you don't adhere to any Buddhist tradition, these words are wonderful principles to live by. I've printed them to serve as a constant reminder of what constitutes a good and healthy life and how I can continue to work on self-improvement. As the term suggests, these are perfections, which means they aren't attainable since perfection itself is unattainable. Instead, they represent ideals and ideas. I'm delighted to share them with you.
More info on Wikipedia.
Generosity Dana
May I be generous and helpful
Renunciation Nekkhama
May I be well-disciplined and refined in manner
May I be pure and clean in all my dealings
May my thoughts, words and deeds be pure
Morality Sila
May I not be selfish and self-possessive but selfless and disinterested
May I be able to sacrifice my pleasures for the sake of others
Wisdom Pañña
May I be wise and able to see the things as they truly are
May I see the light of truth and lead others from darkness to light
May I be enlightened and able to enlighten others
May I be able to give the benefit of my knowledge to others
Effort Viriva
May I be energetic, vigorous and persevering
May I strive diligently until I achieve my goal
May I be fearless in facing dangers and courageously surmount all obstacles
May I be able to serve others to the best of my ability
Patience Khanti
May I be ever patient
May I be able to bear and forebear the wrongs of others
May I ever be tolerant and see the good and beautiful in all
Truthfulness Sacca
May I ever be truthful and honest
May I not hide the truth to be polite
May I never swerve from the path of truth
Determination Aditthana
May I be firm and resolute and have an iron will
May I be soft as a flower and firm as a rock
May I be ever high-principled
Loving-Kindness Metta
May I be ever kind, friendly and compassionate
May I be able to regard all as my brothers and sisters and be one with all
Equanimity Upekkha
May I be calm, serene, unruffled and peaceful
May I gain a balanced mind
May I have perfect equanimity
May I serve to be perfect
May I be perfect to serve
PDF which allows you to print the Ten Perfections on your own printer.